
Pig Slaughterhouses in Spain, the real meat suppliers in China

Pig slaughterhouses in Spain could see an increase in their profits with the increase in pork exports to China and other Asian countries. Pork meat has become this quarter in one of the most exported products from Spain since January. The pork slaughterhouses have increased their production …

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Fifth shipment to Belarus: conveyors for a pork slaughterhouse

 This week Mecanova sent the fifth shippment to its client’s pork slaughterhouse in Belarus, consisting in different conveyors with to automate the production. From our factory in Toledo to Belarus, Mecanova has sent the fifth scheduled shipment for our client who is in the construction and fitting out …

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Why it is important to comply the animal welfare for the meat

Ensuring animal welfare within the slaughterhouse is key to ensuring the best quality of the final product. Animal welfare: Key to ensuring quality in slaughterhouses The regulation on Animal Welfare is or should be, the standard and the maximum of any farmer or producer in the meat …

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